viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

Test your knowledge

Hi blogger, how are you ? today I'm going to write about my result in the test about how save to the planet. In this test I obtained 50% . I'm not happy with this results. but I stay the good and I become conscious of my situation and im proppouse improve this result, with this im improve my habits of the use of enviroment.

About this test I learns that hybrid car is a very good alternative for low the consume of fossil resources and that is better turn on several times an lamp that this lamp this turn on long time.
Respect to the application of this type of test I think that they are server as an incentive to sociality of are gloval problems environmental, and our participation in this problems.
Also I think that the questions they should be less specific.

Fine bloggers I invite you to solve this type of test, they are an interesting experience for our personal knowledge. I realy hope that remember this information in the celebration of new year, i wish you a very goo new year and have a great time on these days off.

Pd: Remember to take the test !! Happy years.

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Hi blogger how are them? In this blogg I will write about the inglish asignature that im to studyding in the university. As far as my...